Finding it hard to find an appraiser? As the USPAP requirements continue to tighten, appraisers are falling like flies. The problem is there are few “new” appraisers. You may say, I have my appraisers, they do a great job, so why do I care……. BECAUSE your regulators are now increasing their oversight of your appraisers. Are you testing their appraisals? Do you have strong appraisal review procedures in place? If you find issues with an appraiser, do you remove them immediately and then if you remove them, do you review the appraisals they did for you in the past? How do you find which loans in your portfolio each appraiser provided? Should you begin coding loans so you can pull a report? Does your Board approve your appraisers? I could go on with my questions, but be aware, your regulators are very conscious of appraisers that have problems at other banks, thus if another institutions problem appraiser is on your list, you can count on your regulator looking for those specific loans and increased scrutiny.